Down with the sickness

I will not bore you with my sickness and suffering though I am indeed sick and suffering and any love sent my way is appreciated. So too is cash. I will write instead of what really eats me from inside. My cancer, if you will.
My cancer is my inability to believe in something that has no basis whatsoever for being supposed true. Thus, in philo class earlier today I disagreed with René Descartes (once more with feeling: I DISAGREED WITH RENE DESCARTES) when we were told that upon realizing the limitations of his own reasoning, he concluded that there must exist a being whose reasoning has no limits. There must exist a god.
Other similar incidents have left me a social outcast: I cannot see, for example, how the creation of the universe proves a god. Who created god then? If god is without beginning or end and hence not created, why not just say that the universe itself has no beginning or end? There are a billion other questions that LOGICALLY cast doubt upon any faith that have never been satisfactorily answered. I ask them everyday. Everyday I get diverted or distracted or offered food.
Since everyone else I know seems to have already been satisfied with the answers he/she got, I can only conclude that it is I, not most of Philippine Society that is somehow abnormal. I sometimes wonder who my friends asked for answers. Who can cure me? Theify me? BLIND me again? WHO IS THE ARCHITECT OF THIS MATRIX?! Plug me back in! Or give me BattleStar Galactica Season 2!
Moving on:
My roommate Van; he has creases on his sheets. Only he and the pope have that.
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