Chase 2 rabbits, go home hungry.

Look at the size of that rabbit.
I am building too many decks at once. Narcobridge, G/W Enchantment, Mono Red Storm Rising.
Two of those decks I plan to give to my kid brothers, just so they can play some standard legal magic when I'm not in Dumaguete. Two of them. I'm not saying which. My brothers (and on occasion my sister) are actually playing Affinity and Samurai Weenies. They actually built their decks from boosters and singles purchased from that one tiny retarded card shop that sells no singles beyond Darksteel. And to call their decks even halfway optimal would be a stretch. Furthermore, I sometimes have to keep myself from yelling "Untap... Upkeep... DRAW!" at them. But it's all nice and casual so it's okay to use made-up rules. No Super Control Decks of Doom that rely on game technicalities to bore us to death.
The problem is that building three decks at once burns a hole three times as big in my pocket. I fear that I might end up tiring of the chase and just give up on all three rabbits and settle for some KFC fried chicken. Expensive, but easy to get. I'm already having serious doubts about Narcobridge, since many of its key cards are rotating out. Why build a tier 1.5 deck that goes extended in a few months? Unless some really good dredge cards come out in 10th ed spoilers, I might just drop dredge. Might.
Enough about magic.
The irritating thing about blogs is how self-defeating they are. I want to write about the things that are eating at me, but I can't do that freely without getting into trouble. Instead, I either write about something worthless or I censor myself. See the first three paragraphs of this entry? Worthless. See anything else that reveals what's on my mind? No? That's because I just erased a paragraphs' worth.
If I want to write about real issues, I might as well keep a diary. But that's just gay (not that I have anything against gays). Oh shit, now I'm covering my ass as well!
Ironic thing. I want my blog visited, but I don't want anyone to know what I'm thinking. So, friends, visit my blog then close it without reading anything. Just look at the pretty picture on top of it.
Moving on, we are still feeling the repercussions of the events during summer. It's a sad sight, really. Things, please go back to normal. Silly of me. Stop talking about it.
First days of class. My class schedule on Wednesdays and Fridays are a sight to behold. I have 7 hour breaks both days, not that it really matters to a dormer. What I'm excited about is my 9-12 lineup on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 9-10:30 Theo under the Theo Department chair Ma'am Rosana. 10:30-12 Elc 14-something-or-other under Libatique. In the afternoon, Philo.
Lastly, I showed up yesterday for class at 7:30 and there was no Ma'am Cat. I was terrified. Then I saw her smiling face at around 8:00 and I would have jumped for joy if I wasn't afraid that I have juvenile arthritis. Then, at around 8:15 she announced that she would only be around until July and would only be making ONE long test. Considering the grim possibilities if Ma'am Cat leaves, I had better do damn well in that one long test.
June 15, 2007
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