Future Sight
Future Sight [fyoo-cher sahyt]- A phrase ambiguous enough so that when used as a title for a blog its writer can explore several unrelated topics without worry.

One such topic is the future state of the Faura metagame. Sweet sweet Futuresight, Magic the Gathering's latest expansion, will change it dramatically. A wise pro once said that if Magic was a game of rock, paper, scissors, then Narcobridge, the deck that Futuresight has bestowed upon us, is a radioactive rock that burns paper on contact. Not true, as most players have found ways to fit Narcobridge hate into their main boards (and I don't mean just Bernard), but it has killed enough decks that people are now mentioning it in the same sentence as D4rgonstorm. I have my sights set on my future Narcobridge combo deck and playing it against Control Land a.k.a Faura.
Looking further into the future of the Faura metagame forces me to confront the inevitable reality that is Magic's 10th edition and the rotating out of 9th ed and the Ravnica block. Remand? Rewind? Repeal? Goodbye. Lightning Helix? Golgari grave troll and all the other good dredge cards? Goodbye. Watery Grave? Breeding Pool? A long, tearful goodbye.
The rotating-out of many good control cards and perhaps people tiring of 30-minute control vs. control games has Faura clearly headed for a beatdowny future. In the past, this would have been a thrill for me and my Boros deck, but I've recently discovered that I'm more of a Johnny than of any other archetype in Magic. The future holds combo for me.
Another thing lying in the future of course is Starcraft II. Hell, it's about time. In two more years. Or three or five, given Blizzard's history. But I've watched the in-game videos and they seem nice. It looks like Blizzard is continuing what John and I like to call the philosophy of "Equally Imba" introduced in the original Starcraft. I just hope the Starcraft II project doesn't make like a Ghost and fade away.
And now some emo.
"What's the name of the word for things not being the same always.....there must be a word for it. The thing that let's you know time is happening. Is there a word?"
Assuming SCII comes out as scheduled, the year will be 2009. I'll be 22 by then and hopefully graduating, reviewing for the board exam and worrying about the future. Carissa will already be a year out of college and in the "real world", worrying about the future. My kid brothers will be old enough that my mom can find a hobby job and not worry so much about the future. So many things can happen in two years and when I think about all the things I have and the myriad of ways by which I can lose any of them I can't help but worry.
What about my self? Will I still be as childish and easily attracted to flashing lights, cone-headed aliens, and the belief that I control an army fighting for the survival of the human race?
End of emo.
In the more immediate future is the first sem of senior year. Barring superseniors, grad students and ...err... old people, we will be the oldest students in the Ateneo. I often joke that when I walk around Ateneo and 129 peoplewatching, the thought "I'm so old." crosses my mind often. This thought is erroneous of course, but it's still scary. Imagine being 50 and playing DotA in 129. And 50 is just 30 more than 20.
Back to the first sem. I wonder what we'll be doing then? People have seven hour breaks two out of the five days of the schoolweek. DotA is long overdue for death, so my suggestion is Magic or SoulCal III if we can find a place to play. Lots of people like basketball, but I can take two dribbles before my sides start aching. Pingpong is my sport, but nobody plays it. Chess, maybe. I know some people didn't like it when I started bringing a deck box instead of a chessboard to Faura.
Anyway, some people are dreading the first semester because of what transpired during the summer. That event-we-don't-talk-about. I say go one step further and forget about it altogether. I know I probably don't have the right to say that, but I do know it will make life easier for all.
Here's to the future.
June 10, 2007. 3:43 pm

One such topic is the future state of the Faura metagame. Sweet sweet Futuresight, Magic the Gathering's latest expansion, will change it dramatically. A wise pro once said that if Magic was a game of rock, paper, scissors, then Narcobridge, the deck that Futuresight has bestowed upon us, is a radioactive rock that burns paper on contact. Not true, as most players have found ways to fit Narcobridge hate into their main boards (and I don't mean just Bernard), but it has killed enough decks that people are now mentioning it in the same sentence as D4rgonstorm. I have my sights set on my future Narcobridge combo deck and playing it against Control Land a.k.a Faura.
Looking further into the future of the Faura metagame forces me to confront the inevitable reality that is Magic's 10th edition and the rotating out of 9th ed and the Ravnica block. Remand? Rewind? Repeal? Goodbye. Lightning Helix? Golgari grave troll and all the other good dredge cards? Goodbye. Watery Grave? Breeding Pool? A long, tearful goodbye.
The rotating-out of many good control cards and perhaps people tiring of 30-minute control vs. control games has Faura clearly headed for a beatdowny future. In the past, this would have been a thrill for me and my Boros deck, but I've recently discovered that I'm more of a Johnny than of any other archetype in Magic. The future holds combo for me.
Another thing lying in the future of course is Starcraft II. Hell, it's about time. In two more years. Or three or five, given Blizzard's history. But I've watched the in-game videos and they seem nice. It looks like Blizzard is continuing what John and I like to call the philosophy of "Equally Imba" introduced in the original Starcraft. I just hope the Starcraft II project doesn't make like a Ghost and fade away.
And now some emo.
"What's the name of the word for things not being the same always.....there must be a word for it. The thing that let's you know time is happening. Is there a word?"
Assuming SCII comes out as scheduled, the year will be 2009. I'll be 22 by then and hopefully graduating, reviewing for the board exam and worrying about the future. Carissa will already be a year out of college and in the "real world", worrying about the future. My kid brothers will be old enough that my mom can find a hobby job and not worry so much about the future. So many things can happen in two years and when I think about all the things I have and the myriad of ways by which I can lose any of them I can't help but worry.
What about my self? Will I still be as childish and easily attracted to flashing lights, cone-headed aliens, and the belief that I control an army fighting for the survival of the human race?
End of emo.
In the more immediate future is the first sem of senior year. Barring superseniors, grad students and ...err... old people, we will be the oldest students in the Ateneo. I often joke that when I walk around Ateneo and 129 peoplewatching, the thought "I'm so old." crosses my mind often. This thought is erroneous of course, but it's still scary. Imagine being 50 and playing DotA in 129. And 50 is just 30 more than 20.
Back to the first sem. I wonder what we'll be doing then? People have seven hour breaks two out of the five days of the schoolweek. DotA is long overdue for death, so my suggestion is Magic or SoulCal III if we can find a place to play. Lots of people like basketball, but I can take two dribbles before my sides start aching. Pingpong is my sport, but nobody plays it. Chess, maybe. I know some people didn't like it when I started bringing a deck box instead of a chessboard to Faura.
Anyway, some people are dreading the first semester because of what transpired during the summer. That event-we-don't-talk-about. I say go one step further and forget about it altogether. I know I probably don't have the right to say that, but I do know it will make life easier for all.
Here's to the future.
June 10, 2007. 3:43 pm
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